Wokeness Has Poisoned Netflix Published 2022-08-06 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 36:04 An Analysis of Body Positive Propaganda 15:37 Go Woke Go Broke: The fall of mighty brands to the woke agenda 1:01:37 Why Modern Female Characters Suck: Double Standards 34:38 Star Wars is a Dying Franchise 14:12 How Netflix is Killing Itself 44:29 Bros: Anatomy of a Disaster 11:39 What Is Woke? 46:03 When Propaganda Fails - Gillette: The Best Men Can Be 28:44 The Critical Drinker Lied To You About Glass Onion 23:44 Why Hollywood is Falling Apart | Video Essay 11:11 why does Netflix keep canceling all their best shows? 31:33 The Little Mermaid is the Worst Movie of 2023 (So Far) 25:46 Believability Matters: Why Ant Man 3 Failed and The MCU is in Decline 17:37 Watchmen (2009) - Was It Really That Bad? 50:28 Worst of Woke Awards 16:20 How Virtue Signaling Killed Hollywood 27:59 12 Reasons Disney Will Have to Retcon the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy 24:55 Why Woke Hollywood is Imploding Similar videos 03:13 Mother Just Gave The Best Rant You'll Hear Today Against Woke Culture in Classrooms at H.S Board 06:39 NETFLIX DIVES; THE OBAMA CONNECTION & 'WOKE' TOXIN NOW POISONS EVERY FILM 03:36 HBO Max Faces MAJOR BACKLASH From The WOKE MOB - Hilarious Backfire! 49:08 Netflix’s Cleopatra is so Much Worse Than You Think 06:07 Netflix Tried To Get Away With This WOKE GARBAGE! 1:08:16 When The Movie is Actually Quite Bad... 58:27 Solo Was Garbage and it Destroyed Lando Calrissian 34:29 Why the UK’s "Fox News" is Awful 01:08 Netflix is Trash 13:03 'WOKE' Media Is DYING. Here's Why... 16:26 Wokeness Is The ENEMY of America 00:11 Why is Netflix trash 2:02:53 Tim Dillon: Disney, Boomers, and the Creepy Corporations That Pretend to Love You 15:05 The 5 Most Important Lessons I Learned From my 20s More results