Type 93 Long Lance Torpedo - Long Range Hole Poking Device Published 2021-01-20 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 33:27 The Mark 14 Torpedo - Failure is Like Onions 47:46 The development of the Naval Shell - Stop poking holes in my ship! 53:38 The Architecture of Dreadnoughts - Blueprints of Success 41:57 Midget Submarines of WW2 - Small and Possibly Deadly? 50:15 The Washington Naval Treaty - The parties, the motives, the negotiations, the loophole abuse... 1:05:49 Cordite and Poudre B - Why things start exploding at just the wrong time 37:09 Shore Bombardment in WW2 - We're in the re-landscaping business now! 1:09:51 The Drydock - Episode 284 1:11:08 Battleship Guns of WW2 - A series of tubes 44:46 Naval Engines - Rotate that shaft! 40:55 Naval Darwin Awards - When IQ is inversely proportional to displacement 53:46 Kantai Kessen (Japanese Decisive Battle Doctrine) - Method or Madness? 36:05 The Zeebrugge Raid - A Vindictive Operation 25:47 Anti-Sub Warfare in WW1 - From Hammers to Hunter-Killers 52:16 Naval Guns (1650 to 1820) - Stop blowing holes in my ship! 36:46 Naval Boilers - Grates Under Pressure 23:46 Destroyers - Concept and Development (1860-1914) 47:54 The Development of Ironclads - 1867 to 1872 in the Royal Navy - The Good, Bad and Useless 38:23 The Last Japanese Fleet Carriers - Unryu/Ikoma Class 52:37 Survival at Sea - Oh Lord the ship is on fire/sinking/exploding/disagreeable Similar videos 08:24 Weapons at Sea: Type 93 Torpedo - The Devastating "Long Lances" of the Imperial Japanese Navy 11:09 The Giant Stealth Weapon that Almost Destroyed the Pacific Fleet 53:58 Last laugh of the Long Lance torpedo | Battle of Tassafaronga 00:52 Kaiten Torpedo #ytshorts #ww2 #torpedo #facts #amazing #japan 02:15 the Type 91 Torpedo 2:57:41 Patreon 54: Torpedo development 1900-1939 and it's impact on destroyer design an doctrine 06:25 Watch A Torpedo Crack A Ship in Half 09:19 WW2 Human Torpedo Attacks 06:33 IJN Kitakami - Guide 285 09:01 Torpedo japonés/ Tipo 93 "Long Lance" 17:48 The Failures of the Mark 14 Torpedo More results