Survival at Sea - Oh Lord the ship is on fire/sinking/exploding/disagreeable Published 2020-01-15 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 29:15 Armed Merchant Cruisers & Raiders - Bearing Deadly Cargo 37:09 Shore Bombardment in WW2 - We're in the re-landscaping business now! 41:57 Midget Submarines of WW2 - Small and Possibly Deadly? 39:14 French Pre-Dreadnoughts - Why Do they Look Like That? 28:40 The Bombardment of Ancona - Derailing Your Mobilisation 28:17 Operation Hailstone - Bringing down the thunder on Truk 32:22 The SS Cedarville Disaster 40:55 Naval Darwin Awards - When IQ is inversely proportional to displacement 23:47 The Aral Sea: The Toxic Soviet Sea 36:46 Naval Boilers - Grates Under Pressure 28:00 The RIDICULOUS Steam Submarine: The K-Class Failure 18:22 Diver Breaks Down: Lost Bell The Wildrake Disaster 30:07 The Salvage of Pearl Harbor Pt 1 - The Smoke Clears 29:15 6 Theories of the Edmund Fitzgerald 49:20 Age of Sail Gunnery - The Lethality of Splinters (ft.Vasa) 36:39 'Armoured' and 'Unarmoured' Carriers - Survivability vs Strike Power 38:23 The Last Japanese Fleet Carriers - Unryu/Ikoma Class 30:31 Into Thin Air: The Kobenhavn Mystery 15:07 Why do Ships Sink? Similar videos 35:05 The Battle of the North Cape - Ice and Fire at Sea 42:36 The Loss of HMS Hood - But why did it blow up?? 17:51 The Honda Point Disaster 55:21 American and Japanese Damage Control in WW2 34:25 USS Franklin - Surviving a Comet Strike 36:05 The Zeebrugge Raid - A Vindictive Operation 00:44 Fire At Sea (1941) 53:25 Basic Fleet Tactics - 1,000 years of holding the line 58:49 Range-finding and Fire Control - Plotting Your Demise 31:16 SMS Konigsberg - Creek Guaranteed, Paddle Optional 33:35 Operation Neptune - They come by sea! 47:46 The development of the Naval Shell - Stop poking holes in my ship! 48:51 French Pre-Dreadnoughts - When Hotels go to War 27:52 The Spanish Navy in 1898 - Armada Options 14:28 The Ramming of HMS Punjabi 01:32 Ship catches fire and sinks 30:57 The Salvage of Pearl Harbor Pt 3 - The First and the Last More results