DON'T SKIP: Just Keep It in your pocket, you will thank me for 50 years | BUDDHIST TEACHINGS Published -- Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 42:15 If You Put This In Your Glass On Monday, 20th January, Your Financial Problems Will End 17:23 JUST KEEP IT IN YOUR POCKET, YOU WILL THANK ME FOR 50 YEARS | BUDDHIST TEACHINGS 57:36 People DO NOT come into our lives by chance | 7 Zen Story of Spiritual Growth | Buddhism |Motivation 28:37 You Will Be Poor Forever If You Keep Money in These 7 Places in Your House | Buddhist Teachings 22:20 REPEAT these 7 WORDS in SECRET, without telling ANYONE - You Will Be RICH 22:25 What The Last Digit of Your Birth Year Means You'll Be SHOCKED ✨Buddhist Teachings 27:16 99% of People DON’T KNOW the Correct Way to Drink Water | Buddhist Teachings 40:31 WARNING: Your Legs Fade First! Seniors MUST Eat These 3 Foods to Keep Them Strong and Healthy! 09:47 PROVEN✅ 5 Things to Eliminate from Your Home Immediately - Law of Attraction 31:10 10 Buddhist Principles So That NOTHING Can AFFECT YOU 19:35 Act As If Nothing Bothers You | Very Powerfull Buddhist Lessons 19:29 Follow These 10 Rules The Body Will Cure Its Own Diseases Without Medicines | Zen Story | Buddhism 32:27 The Spiritual Meaning of Why You Appear Younger Than Your Age 45:28 UNEXPECTED MONEY: 10 minutes after hearing this, check your account immediately | Buddhist teachings 06:35 9 Things you should REMOVE from your bedroom | THEY ATTRACT POVERTY AND RUIN || Buddhist teachings