A Brief History of Naval Armour - Successfully Forging Onwards Published 2019-11-27 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 36:46 Naval Boilers - Grates Under Pressure 41:57 Midget Submarines of WW2 - Small and Possibly Deadly? 39:16 How to Build a Battleships Main Guns - Is a Bigger Battery Better? 52:16 Naval Guns (1650 to 1820) - Stop blowing holes in my ship! 2:50:33 Almost 3 Hours of Aviation History | Rex's Hangar - Season 1 47:46 The development of the Naval Shell - Stop poking holes in my ship! 1:13:05 5 Naval Myths & Misconceptions - Range, Ramming and Sinking 53:05 Britain's Most Mass-Produced Bomber | Vickers Wellington (Part 1) 28:49 Paddles and Propellers - It's all about the rotation 33:27 The Mark 14 Torpedo - Failure is Like Onions 22:22 Battleship Armour Engineering - Why is naval armour multi-layered? 28:40 The Bombardment of Ancona - Derailing Your Mobilisation 25:26 The ship that revolutionised naval warfare 24:57 ⚓ Naval Legends Marathon: Submarine U-995 | 🔊 Now in 6 languages! 49:20 Age of Sail Gunnery - The Lethality of Splinters (ft.Vasa) 28:00 The RIDICULOUS Steam Submarine: The K-Class Failure 47:38 The Evolution of Armor on Ships 21:55 AWFUL Warships From History 49:12 Mers-el-Kebir - Tragedy on a Grand Scale 24:08 How This Battleship Changed History | The Design of HMS Dreadnought Similar videos 53:38 The Architecture of Dreadnoughts - Blueprints of Success 06:26 The All or Nothing Armour Scheme - Special (Human Voice) 10:48 The Tiny US Warship that Terrorized Japanese Subs 36:39 'Armoured' and 'Unarmoured' Carriers - Survivability vs Strike Power 1:05:49 Cordite and Poudre B - Why things start exploding at just the wrong time 17:43 Who Had The Best Armor of WWII Battleships? 1:58:05 Coastal Defences - A Brief History with Military History Visualized 05:24 HSwMS Aran - Guide 353 07:09 Ironclad Huascar - Guide 057 - Special 47:54 The Development of Ironclads - 1867 to 1872 in the Royal Navy - The Good, Bad and Useless 2:13:58 The Drydock - Episode 071 40:17 The Origins of the Torpedo - That which lurks beneath... 34:18 Sail to Steam to Iron - Half a Century of Change 07:28 SMS Kaiser - Guide 177 More results